Brandies and liqueurs

Ruth Brandy
percent 38% alc.
bolt Forte
wine_bar Poco amaro
shopping_cart Item No: 012
Istrian brandy mixed with known medicinal herb ruth (ore) (Ruta graveolens L.). The result is a special brandy with intense flavors.
This brandy has antibacterial properties and it is known in all Istrian families. It is used for dizziness, menstrual disorders, nerve disorders, shortness of breath, stomach problems, rheumatism, gout, skin disorders...
The route is a mediterranean herb with attractive looks. With its fragrance during her growth she keeps pests away and it is known that snakes do not approach to that plant.
20.50 13.50 8.00 5.50 EUR
Weight 1600.00 1100.00 700.00 380.00 grams
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